The High Street apartments will provide accommodation for a mixture of young professionals and families
A multi-million pound investment to transform an area of Teesside has been given another boost as an apartment development gets set to be completed.
Six two-bedroom apartments are currently in development in Loftus that are hoped to inject life into the town centre.
Middlesbrough property developer, Peter Hall, is behind the flats which are set to be completed in July.
The High Street apartments will provide an excellent standard of accommodation for a mixture of young professionals and families and will have energy provided by Vibration Technology – meaning there is no requirement for gas to provide energy for heating the building.
Mr Hall said: Loftus is a town which has suffered from lack of investment in recent years, and we are proud to be playing our own part in the regeneration, providing new and exciting accommodation, which not only provides great standards of living, but also environmentally friendly and innovative methods of heating, which is better for the residents and also better for the environment.
The apartments are part of Peter Hall Developments’ promise to inject money into all areas of Redcar & Cleveland, regenerating and improving areas which have previously had very little in the way of investment in recent years.
The property developer has also said that a collection of holiday lets he owns in both Skinningrove and Marske have been fully booked for the upcoming summer months, bringing much needed revenue to local businesses across the region, including pubs and restaurants.
This month, Teesside Live reported that Loftus was one area of Teesside that will benefit from more than £35m for major town centre overhauls.
Loftus will benefit from getting £5.8m for a new skills and workspace hub, a new library and museum, cash to improve green spaces and funding to unlock a key residential site.
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