The ageing 1960s block contains 51 one-and two-bedroom apartments
A £5 million scheme to deliver improvements to the nine-storey high Kingsway House in Latchford will begin next month after residents were left in ‘limbo’ for several years.
North west housing and regeneration group Torus visited the site and spoke to residents to seek their views on the proposals after the project was approved by Warrington Borough Council’s (WBC) planning department.
The ageing 1960s block contains 51 one-and two-bedroom apartments.
The plans also include increasing the number of parking spaces from 10 to 44 by removing the unused garages.
Torus Group stock condition and planning manager Debbie Stewart said: Residents at Kingsway House have been in limbo for several years with a question mark over the future of their homes, so we are delighted to announce that our major improvement and modernisation scheme is now finally about to start.
This is an exciting development for Torus and our residents, and we are confident that this long-awaited refurbishment programme will not only benefit the residents who live here, but it will also contribute to the aims of WBC’s Central 6 masterplan, contributing to achieving a cleaner, greener, healthier Warrington, she said.
It was great to be able to discuss the plans with the residents and get their views and we look forward to working with them, as they will be an important part of the project team, Stewart said.
Torus Assets project manager Ste Simm added: The £5 million investment in Kingsway House demonstrates our commitment to investing in our existing homes and providing social and affordable homes.
The refurbishment will create a modern block that will not only look great, but will also help to reduce carbon emissions, whilst benefiting tenants by improving energy efficiency, lowering fuel bills and making their homes warmer.
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